Thursday, February 19, 2009

no guts no glory

i have no guts to tell my bestie abt my blog..LOL..
i bet the first thing she will say is.."how on earth did u manage that ?? "
then the judging will begin..cue "JAWS" theme song..
i dunno how to upload pics..gtg ask some1 abt dat..
esther will be perfect..XD..remember the time i tought you hw to upload pic's into the pendrive..
good times good times
*long inwarded drawn sigh*
i listen to old ppl music all day..some of it are great..most of it are..OLD..
i change to mix we have an even share..but daddy dearest walked in the office one day and stood awhile..i tought he forgot something be4 i realised the song playing on the radio was Britney Spear's "Womaniser"..
then came "THE LOOK"
he pointedly took the controls and changed it bk to light and easy..
it has never changed stations since..
NOBODY dares to go up thr and press the little no3 i am forbidden to touch it..
i listen to my phone whenever i can..oni my mum keeps coming up to me and giving me work when she sees i have nothing to do..thus i open some file on the computer and pretend to be veri bz..and my dad caught me the other day when i was reaching over for a file wit my earphones on and me simultaneously singing " bott..oops.."

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